It’s Always an adventure at Rondeau! A Blue Grosbeak female was
discovered on South Point Trail today near km post #5 at 3:00 pm.
This is a short distance south of the South Point Trail parking lot
(the lot at the end of Lakeshore Road). Sorry for the late posting –
I just returned from Blenheim Lagoons.

Afternoon additions to our passerine list included a Yellow-throated
Vireo on South Point Trail and Scarlet Tanagers on 4 trails.

Yesterday evening on our Marsh Trail Hike, we observed the Bald Eagle
nest, saw American Woodcock display flights, and heard several
American Bitterns and Whip-poor-wills calling. Sandhill Cranes were
also heard calling yesterday from South Point Trail.

Birders and photographers are reminded that they are NOT to use
electronic playback devices to attract birds in the park. We
appreciate your cooperation. If birders encounter problems in this
regard, please contact park staff, and wardens will be notified

Outside the park, my group saw a variety of shorebirds at Blenheim
this afternoon, despite near gale-force winds and whitecaps on the
Lagoons! An incomplete survey yielded about 50 Dunlin, 4 Semipalmated
Sandpipers, 1 Least Sandpiper, and 2 Lesser Yellowlegs. Five Ruddy
Ducks were seen riding the waves. Cliff Swallows were present in good

Our appreciation goes to those many birders who help us out by
providing sightings information for this report!

Good birding.