A WESTERN TANAGER male was seen at Rondeau Provincial Park this afternoon.
The bird was found and photographed by Kyle Holloway. The photographs show
the diagnostic field marks. It was first seen for a fairly brief period (?
less than half and hour ?) near the South Point Trail Parking lot. The bird
was last seen at ~2:40 pm. It was last seen where the paved trail leaves
the parking lot.
Note that recent rains have flooded this small portion of the trail, and you
will need rubber boots if you want to access this immediate area. You can
easily bypass the ‘water hazard’ by detouring around via the north exit to
the parking lot, and circling back to the paved trail. The bird was first
found just southeast of the parking lot on an unmarked trail that leads
roughly towards the beach, between the parking lot and the first house on
Lakeshore Road. The bird has only been seen within small, limited radius.
Note that there are 2 parking lots for South Point Trail. The bird was seen
near the southern parking lot, NOT the one to the west of the Visitor Centre
on Gardiner Avenue.
Good luck!
Steve LaForest
Friends of Rondeau Bird Guide