Swainson’s Hawk at Rondeau
Shortly before 12:00 noon, birders at Rondeau saw a SWAINSON’S HAWK.
It was found by Jeff Skevington, Richard Skevington and Brian Pfrimmer. Photographs were taken by Jillian Ross. A report, along with photos, will be submitted to the OBRC.
The bird was first seen in a kettle of Broad-winged Hawks flying over South Point Trail parking lot. The Swainson’s was seen again a short time later, in the same vicinity. It was flying north when last seen.
Yesterday evening, John Lamey saw a FRANKLIN’S GULL on the extreme south beach of Rondeau. The beach can be viewed from the dock in Erieau.
Steve LaForest Friends of Rondeau Bird Guide s.m.laforest@gmail.com