A Laughing Gull at Rondeau’s South Point yesterday at 7:15 pm is our
rarity of the moment. The bird was found by Blake Mann, and was in
alternate plumage. It was found on the beach near the light beacon
trail, and was last seen flying south along the beach. Also rather
unusual for this date was a Long-tailed Duck offshore at South Point

Our morning warbler tally was 26 species. The ‘best’ of these was a
Connecticut on Spicebush Trail.

Additional warblers of note included Blue-winged on South Point Trail;
Golden-winged on South Point Trail; Northern Parula on Maintenance
Loop, Spicebush and South Point Trails; Blackpoll on Maintenance Loop
and South Point Trail; Northern Waterthrush on South Point Trail and
Maintenance Loop; Mourning on Maintenance Loop, at Pony Barn and on
South Point Trail; Wilson’s on South Point Trail; and Canada in the
Campground, on Maintenance Loop and South Point Trail.

Also attracting considerable attention was the Yellow-throated seen at
a cottage on lakeshore near the Visitor Centre. Birders looking for
the Yellow-throated are asked NOT to visit the site before 8:00 am,
are reminded to show proper respect for property and privacy, and to
park at the Visitor Centre NOT along the road. Groups visiting the
site should be of small size – NO large groups, please.

Other noteworthy songbirds this morning included a Summer Tanager
female at Pony Barn and a Yellow-throated Vireo on the Maintenance
Loop. A new arrival was a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher at the Visitor
Centre parking lot.

Birders and photographers are reminded that they are NOT to use
electronic playback devices to attract birds in the park. We
appeciate your cooperation. If birders encounter problems in this
regard, please contact park staff, and wardens will be notified.

Outside the park, over 300 Short-billed Dowitchers were seen yesterday
in the area near McGeachy’s Pond and Erieau – this is very likely a
record-high count.

My sincere thanks to all of the birders who have supplied Rondeau
birding information for
this report.

Good birding!