Our Rondeau warbler-counters have produced an impressive list of 24
species for this bright sunny morning. The Yellow-throated at 17372
Lakeshore Road continues to be the star of the show. It was seen up
to 7 pm yesterday, and from 8:30 am today.

Other high-octane warblers included Hooded at the Visitor Centre,
Blue-winged in the very general vicinity of the Visitor Centre;
Orange-crowned at South Point Trail; Northern Parula on South Point
Trail; Northern Waterthrush on South Point Trail; Blackpoll on
Lakeshore Road; Wilson’s in the garden / feeder area at the Visitor
Centre; and Canada on Lakeshore Road.

For those who enjoy observing passerines other than warblers, there
was a Yellow-throated Vireo on Spicebush Trail. We have had no
further reports of the Le Conte’s Sparrow seen yesterday on South
Point Trail.

A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Pony Barn was late. Four Sandhill
Cranes were seen flying over the Visitor Centre.

There were a few tense moments when a Cooper’s Hawk slashed through
the trees near the Yellow-throated Warbler feeder. Relieved observers
reported no sign of a little paruline corpse in the hawk’s talons!

I will report on birds at Blenheim Lagoons following our hike there
this afternoon.

Good birding