Rondeau has had reports of 25 species of warblers today. The rarest
of these was a Yellow-throated, still visiting a site on Lakeshore
Road near the Visitor Centre.

Birders looking for the Yellow-throated are asked NOT to visit the
site before 8:00 am, are reminded to show proper respect for property
and privacy, and to park at the Visitor Centre NOT along the road.
Groups visiting the site should be of small size – NO large groups,
please. The Yellow-throated has also visited the feeders at the
Visitor Centre.

Good warblers today included Golden-winged and Blue-winged, both on
South Point Trail.

Other warblers of interest included Orange-crowned, Blackpoll,
Northern Waterthrush, Northern Parula, Wilson’s and Canada, all on
South Point Trail. Blackburnians were in good numbers. These and
many other songbirds must have moved in overnight on the south winds
blowing across Lake Erie.

Our best birding trail continues to be South Point. The treetops were
abuzz with warblers and other songbirds this morning in a mini feeding
frenzy of activity. There were 2 Yellow-throated Vireos along the
trail, as well as one on Lakeshore Road just south of Gardiner. A
Bobolink at South Point was also a good bird for the park.

In the raptor department, an adult Golden Eagle flew over the Pony
Barn area at 10:30 am, headed east to west.

Thank you to everyone who has supplied Rondeau birding information for
this report.

Good birding