2017 marks the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation, happy birthday Canada! Parks Canada is inviting the public to take advantage of free admission to national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas to celebrate. If you’d like to learn more, please visit Parks Canada – Plan your visit for additional information.
      Since Ontario Parks is managed by the province of Ontario, it does not fall under the jurisdiction of Parks Canada.  While Ontario Parks may be involved in local events to help celebrate this special anniversary, full fees will apply at all of Ontario’s provincial parks including Rondeau Provincial Park. 
      It may interest you to know that Ontario Parks celebrates Healthy Parks Healthy, People Day annually where free day-use is offered to all visitors!   Parks across the province will offer events and activities that encourage people to visit our parks, spend time outdoors and be active.  In 2017, Friday July 21st, is Healthy Parks, Healthy People Day and all visitors to an Ontario provincial park will be issued a complimentary day-pass and invited to enjoy the park facilities and services.  For more information about provincial parks, facilities and services, or park events please visit our website  www.OntarioParks.com.   Keep checking back to our website for more updates about Rondeau’s Healthy Park’s Healthy People Event and any other special events to celebrate Canada’s anniversary!