Winter in Rondeau Provincial Park
Winter is a great time to experience Rondeau Provincial Park! Come out and hike a snowy trail to see all of the exciting activity from our winter active species!
The white-tailed deer are wearing their thick, fluffy winter coats to keep them warm during this colder weather – and boy do they look cute in their winter best!
Signs of small mammals are all over the trails as they search out their caches of stored food from the fall.
AND if you’re out and about during dusk and dawn you may be fortunate enough to hear the mighty “Who’s Awake? Me too!” from the Great Horned Owl as they find their mates and begin to occupy a nest, for its almost nesting time for these mighty raptors!

Winter is such an exciting time in the animal kingdom – not everyone has the chance to travel south to escape the cold or sleep their winters away. Sometimes we just need to look a little closer to find what beauties a snowy winter can offer…