After a cool start, Rondeau warmed up to a nice sunny spring day with
a warbler count of 24 species. The highlight was once again the
Yellow-throated, seen regularly at a cottage on Lakeshore Road just
north of the Visitor Centre.

Birders looking for the Yellow-throated are asked NOT to visit the
site before 8:00 am, are reminded to show proper respect for property
and privacy, and to park at the Visitor Centre NOT along the road.
Groups visiting the site should be of small size – NO large groups,

Other good birds in the warbler flock included a Blue-winged on
Rondeau Road; Northern Parula on Rondeau Road, Maintenance Loop, and
South Point Trail; Pine Warbler on South Point Trail; Blackpoll on
South Point Trail; Cerulean on the Maintenance Loop; as well as
Mourning, Hooded and Wilson’s – with all of these latter three on
South Point Trail.

Tennessee Warblers were particularly common, and were heard “revving
up their little
engines” all over the park.

As for other passerines, a Summer Tanager was reported on the
Maintenance Loop. Scarlet Tanagers were found in a number of
locations. On South Point Trail, a striking Orchard Oriole male in
first year plumage sang persistently. We have had no further reports
of the Blue Grosbeak female found yesterday on South Point Trail by
Tony Beck.

Thank you to everyone who has supplied Rondeau birding information for
this report.

Good birding