Despite the early showers, birding at Rondeau was busy this morning on
South Point Trail and on the Maintenance Loop.

Our warbler tally was 24 species for this morning. Highlights
included the Yellow-throated, Orange-crowned, Northern Parula,
Cerulean, Mourning, Hooded, Wilson’s and Canada.

A Great Egret and 2 Bald Eagles flew over South Point Trail at 8:30 am.

A adult male Summer Tanager was observed on Tulip Tree Trail near the
Visitor Centre parking lot at 10:30 am.

An Acadian Flycatcher was seen and heard well yesterday on South Point
Trail, about 2 km south of the parking lot on GARDINER Rd. (NOTE –
this is not the parking lot on Lakeshore Road).

Little Gull was noted offshore of the light beacon yesterday on South
Point Trail.

Birders and photographers are reminded that they are NOT to use
electronic playback devices to attract birds in the park. We
appeciate your cooperation. If birders encounter problems in this
regard, please contact park staff, and wardens will be notified

Outside the park, approximately 100 Black-bellied Plovers were
observed yesterday off Erieau Road about 1 km north of McGeachy’s

Merci beaucoup to all those who have provided sightings information
for this report!

Today at 1:00 pm, I will lead an outing at the Blenheim Lagoons. I
will report on sightings there in an upcoming posting.

Good birding