Our daily warbler roundup yielded 26 species. The Yellow-throated
continues to visit feeders regularly (if erratically) at a site on
Lakeshore near the Visitor Centre. It was seen between at least 9:30
am and 5:15 pm. The bird only goes to the suet feeder very briefly on
each visit. This fact, combined with the known presence of two
individuals, suggests that perhaps there might be a nest somewhere???
We have also received reports of a bird being seen on South Point
Trail. Speculations abound!

Birders searching for Tuesday’s Le Conte’s Sparrow on South Point
Trail turned up a singing Prairie Warbler. Also in the same vicinity
was a very cooperative Blue-winged.

Other warblers of note included Orange-crowned on Spicebush, South
Point and Tulip Tree Trails; Northern Parula on at Pony Barn and on
South Point Trail; Blackpoll on Spicebush and South Point Trails;
Wilson’s at the Visitor Centre garden / feeders and on South Point
Trail; and Canada on 5 trails. The best warbler trail – indeed the
best birding trail overall – was most certainly South Point.

As for other passerines, Yellow-throated Vireo was observed on Tulip
Tree and South Point Trails. Scarlet Tanagers were present in good
number on many trails.

Two Common Ravens circling over South Point Trail were of great
interest here in the deep south. Also soaring overhead were an adult
and two immature Bald Eagles (perhaps second year birds).

There were at least three Red-headed Woodpeckers seen on South Point
Trail, in addition to the one attending the Visitor Centre feeders.

Outside the park, but still in the general Rondeau area, my afternoon
bird hike yesterday visited the Blenheim Lagoons. We saw a good
variety of waterfowl, including 1 Northern Pintail, 2 American Wigeon,
1 Blue-winged Teal, 1 pair of Redhead, about 25 Ruddy Ducks, and about
15 each of Lesser Scaup and Bufflehead. A number of shorebirds were
also present, including 2 Short-billed Dowitchers, 6 Least Sandpipers,
2 Ruddy Turnstones, about 125 Dunlin, and 6 Lesser Yellowlegs. Other
waterbirds included 1 Pied-billed Grebe and 2 American Coots. In the
non-aquatic category, there were about 15 Bobolinks, 2 Cliff Swallows
and 2 Chimney Swifts.

Just east of the park, 2 Cattle Egrets were seen briefly south of
Morpeth, near Wildwood Park, at 9:30 am. Later searches of the local
area failed to turn up any sign of the birds. At Erieau harbour,
sightings included a Black Tern. On the rocks across the channel,
there were at least 100 each of Common Terns and Dunlin, as well as 3
Ruddy Turnstones. The south beach shoreline of the park, also visible
from Erieau harbour, hosted over 100 Dunlin and about 50 Black-bellied

I owe much appreciation to all of the birders who have taken the time
to send me messages, report their sightings at the Visitor Centre, and
even (gasp!) – to write their observations in the Dreaded B.i.r.d
S.i.g.h.t.i.n.g.s B.o.o.k! My thanks to everyone last one of you!

Good birding