Deer Herd Reduction – 2019 Park Closure Dates
Rondeau Provincial Park is hosting a Deer Herd Reduction this year with local Indigenous communities. As a result, the park will be closed to visitors on the following dates:
- November 9th (full day – half hour before sunrise until half hour after sunset)
- November 12th, 13th, 14th (half days – half hour before sunrise until 12 noon)
- November 19th, 20th, 21st (half days – half hour before sunrise until 12 noon)
- November 29th, 30th (half days – half hour before sunrise until 12 noon)
- December 7th (full day – half hour before sunrise until half hour after sunset)
The deer herd reduction is an important part of our management practices for sustained ecological integrity. Sorry for any inconvenience.
For more information, please see:
Phragmites Control Information
Please see the attached information from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
MNRF-PhragER-Implementation Plan 2019-v2.0-2019-08-14-FINAL

Art Unveiling
Join us at the Visitor Centre to meet the artist of our beautiful new painting ‘Bears Lodge – Makwa Endaad’ by artist John Williams. Refreshments will be available.

Wings of Spring Schedule
Looking forward to another exciting birding season! The activity schedule for May is attached below.
First Nations Traditional Deer Harvest
Please see the following release from Rondeau Provincial Park concerning the upcoming traditional harvest:
Ontario Honoring Traditional Activities with First Nation Deer Harvest in
Rondeau Provincial Park, November 14, 16, 19, 21 and 23, 2017
For many First Nation communities in Ontario, participating in traditional activities
such as hunting is fundamental to the distinctive cultures of Canada's Indigenous
people. The Delaware Nation at Moraviantown has expressed an interest in
conducting a deer harvest in Rondeau Provincial Park.
The ministry also recognizes and seeks to balance the interests of the different
users of the park and local community. Working with the ministry, the Delaware
Nation at Moraviantown has agreed to carry out its harvest during prescribed
times and within the boundary of the park.
The harvest will begin one half-hour before sunrise and end one half-hour after
sunset on the scheduled harvest dates; November 14, 16, 19, 21 and 23, 2017
The harvesters will use scoped rifles during the harvest.
On the harvest dates the park will be closed under Section 8(1) (c) of Ontario
Regulation 347/07 under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act
To provide for the safety of the public, the harvesters and ministry staff, a number
of measures will be put in place:
Buffer areas and safety zones to ensure a safe harvest.
All harvesters will be stationary and well away from the park boundary.
The park access points will be monitored and public access to the park will
not be allowed throughout the harvest.
Park staff will be available on site at all times during the harvest.
The deer will be removed from the park and all portions of the harvested
deer will be used by the First Nation community members.
To ensure a safe and humane deer harvest all First Nations harvesters will be
made aware of the terms of the harvest operations plan and safety measures
that have been developed between the ministry and the Delaware Nation at
For safety reasons, on harvest dates we ask that you do not enter the park and
that you comply with all posted notices.
If you require additional information on this First Nation deer harvest please
contact Brad Connor, Park Superintendent at (519) 674-1760 or Jason Ecker,
Assistant Park Superintendent at (519) 674-1759.
November Activity Sheet
Don’t forget to check out all of the exciting events this month! November Activity Sheet
Phragmites Control Implementation Plan
Please see the attached document outlining the phragmites control implementation plan at Rondeau Provincial Park.