If you’ve been down to the Visitor Centre in the last month or two, you may have noticed the large, gaping hole in our bird garden. We were visited by a muskrat in mid-August. At first, we thought “wow, what a neat opportunity, we have a new animal to interpret to visitors”. But then it dawned on us…muskrats burrow. And that’s what he did…burrowed right into our pond liner. For quite some time the garden was a sad, sorry sight. But in the past few weeks we have been able to get to work and transform our leaky pond into a beautiful, bubbling water feature which will be sure to attract many species of birds and frogs…but no more muskrats!
Although we still have some planting to do around our new pond, and we are only open for one more weekend, we would like to invite you down to check it out and see if you check any fall migrants off your bird list.