Rondeau was buzzing with excited birders this weekend after a rare visitor was spotted down at the Visitor Centre. A rarity, the White-winged Dove was spotted around the VC bird feeders early Saturday morning. The dove, which is typically found in the southern US andMexicoduring the winter, looked slightly out of place amongst the backyard birds.
At first glance it may look very similar to the more common Mourning Dove, but it tends to be a larger bird and has a thin white line along the edge of its wings. The Dove has not been spotted yet today, but was seen by the many that flocked to the park after hearing about it on the net. Hopefully our feathered friend shows itself again before it realizes it’s a little off course.
For those that didn’t get a chance to check it out, take a look at this picture sent to us by Allen Woodliffe: